That's my blog

Nude Advertising and Promotion the Northeast Naturist Festival on Main Street USA
But I wasn't prepared to
shearstime93 am 10.07.2020 um 15:08 (UTC)
 give up. That weekend, we organized for the kids to spend the night with some
Pals. Once they left the house, at 14:00, our plan was to take off our
Clothing and stay that way until the kids returned at 10:00 the next day. Because
we had a more bare time ahead of us, and even at our most fervent knew we
Couldn't make love for 20 hours, we were able to pace ourselves.
laundry, watched a film, read, and chatted. We went out to dinner wearing quite
loose clothing to keep the nude feeling. When we got home, they came off
That weekend experiment
was transforming. Unexpectedly clothes felt confining and restricting. I needed to
be nude, and I desired to talk about it. Tony and I discussed our encounter, but
we felt like the blind leading the blind.
I detected an Internet

about sunblock.
special pal. Suddenly I could ask all the questions I wanted and people would
reply, honestly and fully. I began corresponding off-list with a few people
who shared many of my ideas and questions. My naturist world had extended from
my bedroom to my house and abruptly to the world. I went from knowing no nudists
to knowing hundreds. It was excellent.
continued to research our naked time together. We've got an outside hot tub and
shower. Instead of running to get dressed after emerging from either one, we
(A fence and trees supply
Seclusion.) We started to eat dinner bare sometimes. I saw the whole NBA
playoffs sans clothes and not in the bedroom. I detected NIFOC (naked in front
of the computer).
We made a deal that when we entered the hotel room, the clothes came off. What
to do on our one free day was very important to us. We determined to see

Mountain Air Ranch, a family fkk resort. How important was nudism becoming to
me? I passed up a chance to visit the Figure Skating Hall of Fame!
Everything I 'd read was
Accurate: going to Mountain Air I was nervous initially, but that quickly passed. No
minutes we felt relaxed and comfortable. When talked about "us" as
nudists, I realized yes, I am in this group. I am a fkk.
I started to think of nudism
I wanted chances to be nude with others, and not only
on a excursion. But how to manage nudism with my
My initial thought
Wasn't to involve them. After Colorado, I recognized that wasn't realistic. To
be naked only when they were in bed or at friends' houses wouldn't be practical.
Additionally , I recognized that many of our actions are family actions. It'd be
a dramatic change to get a baby sitter every time we wanted to go to the beach!
Besides, is not nudism presumed to be a family encounter?
The solution came
naturally. Soon after, we were all in the hot tub together, my husband
and I bare (which has always been our custom) but the children in suits.
fussing with on the chain of his suit, so I suggested he merely take it
off. He did, and my daughter soon did the same. My son immediately recognized how
Great it felt in the warm water without anything on.
being naked with others. Afterward we told them about our visit to Mountain Atmosphere. They
were both really interested and suitably curious. We showed them a leaflet,
with images, and answered their questions. My son was very interested in the
Theory of a club, wondering if there were any near us. So we showed him the
brochure for Cedar Waters Village in New Hampshire, about an hour from where we
Tony and I visited the area ourselves to check it out, then
returned about two weeks afterwards with our children. After that, my son told me
that he was proud of being a fkk. My daughter appears oblivious to the title
but appreciates the encounter. I consistently get asked, "When can we go back to the
Skinnydipping place?"
So that is how we went from
We each pick when and where we are interested in being nude. I
Regularly have dinner nude while my husband wears a Tshirt or is even completely
clothed. My daughter, a natural, is often bare around the house, while my
son is usually nude merely in the hot tub.
I 'm still surprised by
how much and how quickly I have come. At first I was intrigued with the notion of a
Naked cruise or holiday--a once-a-year special occasion.
Atmosphere, I recognized that a little more often to be bare would be fine, but it was
still in the type of recreation. Now I understand I 've a need to be naked.
At times it is a physical demand, at times it's a stress reliever. Nudity with

By my late teens, I could travel the islands on my own, but naked people were like birds on the verge of extinction. Just pick up a copy of Summer Lovers, filmed in Santorini in the 80's; everyone on the strand is naked. Even my best friend's dad told me that when he was my age, he was like "a Martian in a bathing suit" in Mykonos. Not so nowadays. But like a driven ornithologist, I went in search of the naturist-bird, to the most remote and hidden areas on the islands. There is a bunch of fucking folks there! Rather than just any individuals . . . families, with children! No! Not even topless. I mean, what the hell, people, didn't you see the beautiful sandy beach four feet from your front door?
shearstime93 am 10.07.2020 um 10:09 (UTC)
 I eventually became so frustrated looking for naturists, I said "screw it" and only went naked wherever and whenever textiles weren't about. And that is how I discovered something exceptional; tons of people want to go bare, but are afraid to do so. Like that inspired me, I inspired others. It was like I Had plant the nudist colony flag for like-minded individuals to gather round me and ditch their bathing suits. I went from the only kid showering in his panties to the one naked guy on the beach.

There was only one issue. I was alone. My friends and family tolerated my naturism, but could not understand it, and the delay for summer was agonizing. Again, I became painfully conscious of the paradox of nudism. In , I was free, but with the people closest to me, with my mom and daddy and coworkers and classmates, I wasn't free.
The last stop on my naturist journey comes next week!
Now read the final installment in this series - Part 5: Locating Nude Eden.
My Naturist Story Part 4: Searching For The Naturist-Fowl was released by - Young Naturists and Young Naturists America FKK
Labels: body pity, first time nudist, genitals, greece, naked beach, teenagers
Class: Nudist Site
About the Writer (Author Profile)
By age six, I knew I was born to write, and by 12, discovered that clothes was unnecessary. My work is inspired by the 'heroic naked' common to my Greek ancestors, and my personal experiences with naturism.
Prompted by a discussion in our chief Young Naturists and Naturists America FB group:
Jordan's Views On FKK and Naturism:
I co-founded Naturist Portal about four and a half years past. While my partner in crime, Felicity Jones, is a bona fide third-generation naturist, my parents had never identified as nudists or naturists. As a kid we'd travel around america and when possible, we'd stay at naturist resorts / naturist campgrounds. They never demanded us children but I suppose we just took it as a chance to run around and have fun with other kids (back then there were bunches of kids in naturism).
For us, as a family, we were taught that we have been all identical and that we shouldn't judge others depending on looks.
As I grew older, a lot of those values stuck with me. as soon as I reached my early teen years, I kept thinking and wondering why society puts such great importance on what someone resembles or the stuff they've. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that people cared more about things than they did about material.
Young Naturists and Nudists America Logo
As I grew older, these issues kept irritating me.
As the internet developed and expanded, I found that so several issues were becoming a growing number of apparent. Throughout my early 20's I was fairly absent from social nudism, for many reasons. But when I reached my early 30's I decided it was time to revisit those childhood safe-havens that I recalled so fondly.
I immediately found that like society at large, the naturist community had transformed at the same time. Just like in mainstream society, predicated on my world views, many of the changes weren't positive. The fond memories of judgement-free and acceptance-established communities weren't there. Within their area, new nudist clubs had evolved that were way less taking and considerably more restricting.
Being fully a single man, most areas wouldn't normally let me visit. The positions that did permit me to visit weren't filled with kids and young parents. As I researched more and more, I quickly discovered that not only had this new naturist movement be much more judgmental, it became increasingly more exclusionary.

Joshua Williams Interviews Naked to Bush tumblr blogger about pubic hair on the Naturist Living Show Podcast
shearstime93 am 10.07.2020 um 09:09 (UTC)
 This month's episode of the Naturist Living Show podcast covered a matter that never gets old in the nudie world (and arguably in the non-nudie universe, too): pubic hair! As part of the show, our buddy Joshua Williamscontributed an interview with the woman who started a splendid body image site called Bare to Bush.
I enjoyed the interview so much I decided to see about printing the transcript on our site, so here it is below! You may also scroll to the base and listen to the entire show (Naked to Bush interview starts at around minute 29:00).
Bare to Bush Interview on the Naturist Living Show [Pubic Hair Picture courtesy of]

Intro from Joshua Williams: It is great to be on the Naturist Living Show now, in the role of an interviewer. I have appreciated my many conversations with Stephaneon and off this podcast. A couple of months ago, I came across an extremely intriguing tumblr website called Naked to Bush, which describes the project totally.
On September 16th, 2013, a girl determines to shave off all of her pubic hair, then follow its regrowth through words and pictures, on the internet. It turned into a chance to consider her own body and open up a dialog with other women and men about bodies in general, the good and the bad.
I 'm pleased to have had a conversation with the creator and writer of the site and now the website, However, as the blog is composed anonymously, we selected to have to have the dialog via chat after which use the transcript to record an interview with another girl's voice.
Of course, we discuss the reason for this anonymity in the interview, but also delve into discussions associated with nudity, sexuality, body approval and obviously, body hair.
Joshua: What was the genesis for this rather unique endeavor?
BtoB: Frankly, I was bored one day so I shaved my pubic hair. I 've always thought it is amusing how people have Tumblr sites about foolish things that look like no one would care, so I got it in my head to create a blog where I followed the re-increase of my pubic hair just out of pure boredom and to entertain myself.
Sort of like how people say, "it's as dull as watching paint dry," I figured it'd be a fun, dull picture diary of hair growing back.
And naturally, Tumblr allows you to do something like that, unlike other social media platforms!
BtoB: Not really. I actually only did it for pleasure and figured I'd have only a couple folks following it who also thought it was funny or who simply wanted to see pictures of a girl's crotch.
And I am sure there are those that visited the website for that very reason! At what stage do you think it took on an alternative dimension?
BtoB: I believe the first time I really understood that it was having an impact was when I made a post about the reality of nude photography. had no thought it would explode the way that it did, I only had it in my brain that I needed to show folks that all of the "self shot" pictures they see are still presented and carefully positioned and that the body can be so different depending on how it's modeled.
I made that place, thought nothing of it except possibly being happy that it turned out so nicely, and 4 hours after it'd already reached well over 2 thousand people. Right now I think it has something like 103 thousand "notes" on it. That made me understand that I had inadvertently began saying things that people genuinely related to.
And with the popularity of the "selfie" and selfawareness it appeared to really connect with readers on a variety of levels.
BtoB: Definitely.The internet is so full of "self" these days, but so many people do not recognize that those people posting photographs still just post their finest graphics, their greatest "self." People think that because something is not "commercial" it is somehow more natural, but that is not actually the situation lots of times.
I'd say that most people who post all of those self shots - even something like a Facebook profile photo - post just their absolute finest angles, which aren't actually indicative of how they look in real life.
There is an "artifice" to these pictures then. And all the while, do you believe that women, even men, crave something more real, even when they create these "best angle" shots for Facebook?

Poland Naturists At Sauna Cezar
shearstime93 am 30.05.2020 um 20:02 (UTC)
 Getting to Know Other Poland Naturists at Sauna Cezar
I brought lots of baggage with me into the changing room at Sauna Cezar. I had a bag with personal items, a notebook, a back pack with all my photo gear. I was a bit disorganized. A man came into the dressing room. I was embarrassed by how quickly he got nude and headed towards the sauna. I strove in vain to fit the picture bag into a locker. I recognized it would have to go on top.
Peter came down to find me. He directed me back to the sauna and told me the folks inside were the right individuals to be interviewed. He seemed to believe I was capable of videotaping in the sauna. I'd once been party to such an attempt. Even after the heat had been turned off for an entire morning the lens would fog within seconds. I would need to remember what was said.
Poland Naturists at Sauna Cezar
Inside the sauna I found the man in the locker room sitting in one corner. At another corner lay a woman. Through its glass in the distance sprawled the recumbent potency of just one finger of Klimczok mountain. It was beautiful.
I introduced myself. I introduced FKK. I mentioned having gotten my sunburn at a recent assembly of the Naturist Society. The dialogue turned elsewhere. The girl began telling the man about a popular music festival she intends to attend. I understood they were friends. She mentioned opera. It was shortly explained that the woman felt like she was living life back. She had gone to see opera when she was younger when she should have been listening to rock. Now that she had three growing daughters she was doing what they were doing. I wondered if her tattoos and her piercing were part of that rebirth. I lacked the guts to ask before she left.
I went with the man upstairs. He was a sales representative for a toilet furniture company. He traveled Europe in search of providers and had a wide variety of expertise with naturism abroad. With discussed the miserable state of naturism in Poland. A couple of courageous souls in cooperation with a handful of western investors faced a constant danger of sanctimonious hostility.
We went outside to the solarium. I detected the girl from the sauna was now clothed. She was standing behind the serving window. A couple came in in the garden to sit at the table. I offered them the chance to be interviewed. The man demurred. He was frightened he'd nothing to say. I promised him in my experience everybody has something to say. They overly analyzed the magazine. I realized they'd probably never seen a naturist magazine in their lives. For was an oddity. Like me.
Gosia disappeared for the remaining part of the evening. I wondered where she'd gone. By the end of the night I was the only one left. Peter found me and asked me where I needed to sleep. He offered the solarium. I proposed he show me the routine lodgings. We walked down to the trailer. I got what I believe was the biggest of the three rooms. It was past midnight. I quickly fell asleep.
In the early hours of the morning I was woken by what felt like a number of small earthquakes. It was the couple in the table. They were moving bags and it made the entire trailer shake. The wife was a wedding singer. She said that she and her husband would have to leave early to make their train. I wondered if she had to carry her own gear. It looked like she had a lot of gear.
I was soon to learn she was not the only one.

Naturist Blogs For Young Naturists And Young Nudists America FKK
Tags: clubs and resorts, europe, poland
Group: Naturism and Naturism In Europe, Social Nudity Sites
About the Writer (Author Profile)

I managed to lie down,
shearstime93 am 29.05.2020 um 12:38 (UTC)
 Striving my knee joints in order to be as decorous as possible. Eventually I
got a bit bored and a little more daring, and determined to get in the hot tub
and try having a conversation with an entire stranger while bare. The young
man, I concluded afterwards, was either a gigolo-in-training or had missed his
calling. He was tender and good natured, low key, discretely conscious of my
awkwardness and the opportunity to help. The nicest thing he did was attest
that it was indeed okay to bend over. He declared that the hot tub was too hot,
fetched some buckets and dipped water from the pool to cool it, while readily
bending, squatting or stooping as essential. Which that two-year-old in the
playgound understood and I had completely forgotten. The second nicest thing he did
was give me my first massage after which let me reciprocate. Without a suggestion of
sexual invitation. He let me be in control of what he saw was my first fkk
Encounter, and by instinctively following my own inclinations without censure,
it was nothing less than just what I wanted.
The entire weekend was as
delightful and all-around-consciousness-building as that first day. I can not
say it was just mind-opening, because it was much more than aware
Comprehension that was enlarged. I wish I had kept a journal. As it was, I handled
for a complete massage course. During this time I was totally and exclusively
physical and societal. I used ton't read one book. I didn't see a computer or a TV. I
did dishes for fun. I slept on the floor in a big hall with 30 other snoring,
farting folks, and I slept like a baby.
We massaged each other all
day five days a week under supervision and experimented nighttime and weekends,
with feathers and beards! In the sun, on the lawn, between the
trees, in the creek, in the pool, in the shower after a food fight. We adored and
laughed as children do before they learn anxiety. I played as if I had never known
Panic. I relearned trust and unlearned the differences between men and women and
Additionally , I cried and grieved and others cried with me. And every
tear of grief was joyous and delightful. To weep for death is to cry for life.
had been grieving for death before I understood what it was to be completely alive. Perhaps
because of that.
Among the folks I played
with, on a deeper and more intimate degree, was Chuck, the man I married three

spend every winter with other nude people since he retired.
Connected with Getting In Touch, which was a truly remarkable location.
have the memories. I still write computer programs, but only for entertaining, and I now
read philosophy with the same attention I once gave to technical manuals.
I assume it all began as a child,
although I was not aware of it at that time.
I understood nothing of naturism then, but I do understand that I loved to take my clothing
of in open spaces,
and around the house when nobody was in.
I was taught nudity is WRONG except in private, ie. Toilet or
bedroom with the door close.
I used to
Dwell on the outskirts of a town on the south shore of England, behind our dwelling
was open fields,
clay quarry which had many lakes and pools. was here
that I first experience the feel of the sun, wind and rain on my naked body, and
Yes I know we have all been there, the skinny dipping crowd, but it wasn't only
that for me.
Love nudity,
not for a laugh, but because I felt it was right. I would lay there and appreciate
the sounds of nature around me,
standing in the stream or sitting in it and feeling the cool water flowing
around my body.
I would only sit and watch as other creatures moved around in the bushes and open
or I would go running through the ferns, climb trees.
I would have the chance to camp out over night, what fun that was, and if I was
I 'd lay in the open by a camp fire naked, and on a clear night simply look up
at the stars, how wonderful it felt,
the heat from the dancing flames of the fire, on my nude body, only to be
cooled by the strange breeze of wind.
When I started to compose
this page I recognized that it really had nothing to do with Naturism/Nudism,
but there again it's a part of my life, and part of the process by which I
became a Naturist.
So if you think it has no place here then I can just apologies as I believe it
As I entered my mid-teens I discovered that other distractions took me away from my
earlier pastimes.
Leaving school and finding work, and beginning to get involved in other teen
Tasks, i.e. nightclubs, drink, girls,
and of course the dreaded word sex. My feeling for nudity were still there, but
the change in lifestyle,

I was once again interrogated by the keepers of Paradise, who were completely dressed for some reason. They reiterated the day tour rule, and I was happy to agree, to sit in a golf cart with a guy who had probably met Abraham Lincoln in person, and be driven around the resort, which was more like a neighborhood.
shearstime93 am 25.05.2020 um 12:24 (UTC)
 He seemed definitely suspicious of me, however, likely wondering why a young man would want to visit a area filled with retirees, noting at one point, "You know, there are not many single women here . . ."
But for me, roaming around as God meant-along the footpaths, to the crappy restaurant, and also to the crappy gymnasium-was exhilarating. was as if I'd stepped into another world where body taboos didn't exist.
I could be naked wherever and whenever I pleased and nobody cared! One of my favorite things was the open air shower, where I could soap my nude self in sight of a dozen or so people. My old classmates could not believe it!
The main hangout comprised an enormous pool with a number of smaller pools and jacuzzis. But most of the folks seemed too old to appreciate the facilities, and it made me a bit unhappy, not because I didn't like old folks (I do!) but because I could not comprehend why almost nobody my age could appreciate nudism.
Was nudism "out of fashion" as my sister proposed? How could that be? Who could favor clothing if they were free to be without? Ever since I was born, I Had felt like an outsider, and here again I was made to feel like the outsider. In my own dreams the resort was broken up in two: on one side there were college age pupils splashing around, all in bathing suits, and on the other, naked bodies deformed by age.
Where were the younger naturists?
Outsider or no, I adored the place enough to purchase a yearly membership, and came to find a fundamental part of naturism: volleyball. As any true naturist will let you know, volleyball is a must! And the best part is, playing against folks three times my age, I wasn't too awful! That was until I met a twelve year old girl named Britney.
Clothed or not, I'd never trust my daughter with some twenty year old stranger, but I suppose her parents could see an innocence in me. Britney thrashed me at every sport you'll be able to think of. Nude Volleyball. Ping Pong. Shuffleboard. The result was embarrassing.

She was intelligent and well adjusted, not to mention athletic, and unlike my "Brady Bunch" family revealed no signs of neurosis, despite her naturist upbringing. But her problem was the same as mine. There were just too few folks her age. tried starting a Nudist Club at USF, hanging fliers around campus and making an internet site, but nobody responded.
When summer rolled around, I discovered that, just like at the Greek shores, the naturist bird was migratory. Younger people flocked in droves from around the state, and a few from outside the country. Even on the islands, I Had never seen such a parade of body types, and it made me understand how impoverished our society's definitions were. Beauty, I could see, came in all sizes and shapes.
If not for me, she'd experienced no one her age to speak to. Unexpectedly, she had never been to a nudist site before and yet couldn't have appeared more comfortable in her skin. We did everything together-even canoeing in a alligator-infested lake-then unwillingly put our clothes on for dinner and a movie, which was curiously opposite the standard, understanding how we looked nude but not dressed!
Naturally, I found her much more amazing with nothing on. When we returned from There's Something About Mary, we couldn't wait to take our clothes off so we could go back to her room and . . . play Scrabble. Yes. That's all we did. Did sex cross our heads? I believe so. But neither one of us needed a meaningless fling. Unfortunately, she went back to New Jersey each day and I never saw her again.
Those early school days were some of my most joyful. I remember spending time at Paradise between classes, and once came late to Ancient History, my clothing sticking to my still-wet body; which is ironic, considering how I used to come wet and late to class for not getting nude. But having a key continued to gnaw at me. I understood that to be completely free, everyone needed to know, including my parents.

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