| Striving my knee joints in order to be as decorous as possible. Eventually I
got a bit bored and a little more daring, and determined to get in the hot tub
and try having a conversation with an entire stranger while bare. The young
man, I concluded afterwards, was either a gigolo-in-training or had missed his
calling. He was tender and good natured, low key, discretely conscious of my
awkwardness and the opportunity to help. The nicest thing he did was attest
that it was indeed okay to bend over. He declared that the hot tub was too hot,
fetched some buckets and dipped water from the pool to cool it, while readily
bending, squatting or stooping as essential. Which that two-year-old in the
playgound understood and I had completely forgotten. The second nicest thing he did
was give me my first massage after which let me reciprocate. Without a suggestion of
sexual invitation. He let me be in control of what he saw was my first fkk
Encounter, and by instinctively following my own inclinations without censure,
it was nothing less than just what I wanted.
The entire weekend was as
delightful and all-around-consciousness-building as that first day. I can not
say it was just mind-opening, because it was much more than aware
Comprehension that was enlarged. I wish I had kept a journal. As it was, I handled
for a complete massage course. During this time I was totally and exclusively
physical and societal. I used ton't read one book. I didn't see a computer or a TV. I
did dishes for fun. I slept on the floor in a big hall with 30 other snoring,
farting folks, and I slept like a baby.
We massaged each other all
day five days a week under supervision and experimented nighttime and weekends,
with feathers and beards! In the sun, on the lawn, between the
trees, in the creek, in the pool, in the shower after a food fight. We adored and
laughed as children do before they learn anxiety. I played as if I had never known
Panic. I relearned trust and unlearned the differences between men and women and
Additionally , I cried and grieved and others cried with me. And every
tear of grief was joyous and delightful. To weep for death is to cry for life. https://nudistclip.com/categories/young/
had been grieving for death before I understood what it was to be completely alive. Perhaps
because of that.
Among the folks I played
with, on a deeper and more intimate degree, was Chuck, the man I married three

spend every winter with other nude people since he retired.
Connected with Getting In Touch, which was a truly remarkable location.
have the memories. I still write computer programs, but only for entertaining, and I now
read philosophy with the same attention I once gave to technical manuals.
I assume it all began as a child,
although I was not aware of it at that time.
I understood nothing of naturism then, but I do understand that I loved to take my clothing
of in open spaces,
and around the house when nobody was in.
I was taught nudity is WRONG except in private, ie. Toilet or
bedroom with the door close.
I used to
Dwell on the outskirts of a town on the south shore of England, behind our dwelling
was open fields,
clay quarry which had many lakes and pools.
https://videonudist.com/videos/just-a-few-vids-we-took-2077.html was here
that I first experience the feel of the sun, wind and rain on my naked body, and
Yes I know we have all been there, the skinny dipping crowd, but it wasn't only
that for me.
Love nudity,
not for a laugh, but because I felt it was right. I would lay there and appreciate
the sounds of nature around me,
standing in the stream or sitting in it and feeling the cool water flowing
around my body.
I would only sit and watch as other creatures moved around in the bushes and open
or I would go running through the ferns, climb trees.
I would have the chance to camp out over night, what fun that was, and if I was
I 'd lay in the open by a camp fire naked, and on a clear night simply look up
at the stars, how wonderful it felt,
the heat from the dancing flames of the fire, on my nude body, only to be
cooled by the strange breeze of wind.
When I started to compose
this page I recognized that it really had nothing to do with Naturism/Nudism,
but there again it's a part of my life, and part of the process by which I
became a Naturist.
So if you think it has no place here then I can just apologies as I believe it
As I entered my mid-teens I discovered that other distractions took me away from my
earlier pastimes.
Leaving school and finding work, and beginning to get involved in other teen
Tasks, i.e. nightclubs, drink, girls,
and of course the dreaded word sex. My feeling for nudity were still there, but
the change in lifestyle,
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